Why Do Veterans Drink a Lot?

Why Do Veterans Drink a Lot?

The transition from military service to civilian life often brings countless challenges that affect the mental health and well-being of veterans. For some, alcohol becomes a coping mechanism used to navigate the complexities of post-service life.  If you’re curious about the underlying reasons why veterans often turn to alcohol, we invite you to join us….

What Should I Do if My Husband is an Alcoholic?

What Should I Do if My Husband is an Alcoholic?

Have you noticed that your husband’s alcohol use has gone way beyond a couple of beers with dinner or a celebratory glass of wine? While your husband may be the one consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, substance misuse doesn’t only affect him—heavy alcohol consumption is also a family problem. But there’s good news: If you…

How Do I Know if My Husband is an Alcoholic?

How Do I Know if My Husband is an Alcoholic?

Have you ever found yourself wondering if your husband’s love for a cold one has turned into something more serious? It’s not an easy question to ask, but it’s crucial, nonetheless. Maybe you’ve noticed some changes in his behavior or habits, and you’re starting to wonder if he’s got a serious problem. Join us as…

Quitting Drinking in IOP: How it Works

Quitting Drinking in IOP: How it Works

Deciding to get help for drinking can feel like the end of a tortuous battle. You’ve faced down the denial, the doubt, and the shame to make a positive decision to transform your life. Yet, that’s where the real work begins — starting with the decision on where to get addiction treatment. When it seems…

Can I Be Fired for Drinking? 5 Important Facts About Your Rights

Can I Be Fired for Drinking? 5 Important Facts About Your Rights

Roughly 65% of American adults had a drink in the last year, according to a recent poll. Some go out to the bar for a beer with friends after work, while others enjoy a glass of wine or a tumbler of scotch with their dinner. For most, the drinking ends there. For others, though, even…

Intensive Outpatient Programs for Drinking: How it Works

Intensive Outpatient Programs for Drinking: How it Works

Struggling with drinking keeps you trapped in an endless loop of impossible, illogical situations: You don’t want to drink, but you do it anyway. Alcohol makes you feel sick, so you drink more to feel better. Or, this: You know you need to get help before drinking destroys your life; but, you can’t take a…

Am I a Functioning Alcoholic? How to Know You Need Help for Drinking

Am I a Functioning Alcoholic? How to Know You Need Help for Drinking

Alcohol use disorder can sneak up on you. Like rot in a tree, it can fester beneath the surface for years, showing few signs of what has taken root before the entire tree tumbles. If you believe you are a “functioning” alcoholic, it could be just a matter of time before you are not. Alcohol…

10 Ways to Relax Without Alcohol

10 Ways to Relax Without Alcohol

Life Without Alcohol is Relaxing and Fulfilling For many Americans today, alcohol is commonly associated with helping adults relax, avoid stressful situations, and free themselves from unwanted emotions and feelings. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to relax without drinking alcohol that are more sustainable long-term and which will improve your mental health. Here are ten…

Effects of alcohol on the body

Effects of alcohol on the body

How does alcohol affect the body? It’s an all-too-familiar feeling: the effects of alcohol on the body. Waking up to a blindingly bright light, a throbbing headache, eyes that appear to be sealed shut and a serious feeling of regret. Anyone who has ever had a hangover knows how uncomfortable the after-effects of alcohol are,…