Suffering from depression is utterly debilitating. It is more than just feeling “down” or being in a period of sadness. It is something that lasts much longer — to the point where it feels like it’s become part of our personality. Depression can make us withdraw from work or family. It can make doing our jobs difficult. Old activities stop being fun. It consumes our thoughts. The good news is, it really does not have to last forever. There are outpatient programs for depression and people who want to help you get better — even if you don’t feel like it’s possible.

One way to get better is through an intensive outpatient therapy program for mental health. An IOP for depression is the way to get the help you need without having to completely withdraw from responsibilities or work duties. These programs are more than just therapy and are a great resource to truly uproot depression once and for all.

What Is An IOP?

An intensive outpatient therapy program is a type of treatment option for people suffering from depression. In IOP, the patient will meet with mental healthcare professionals to talk about their feelings, the depression, and what might have led to the condition. They will also learn about ways to stop depression from controlling their life. They will heal the mind, body, spirit, and family from the roots.

An IOP offers this kind of intensive care without requiring a person to live at the facility or become detached from their old responsibilities. In fact, you can take part in an IOP by attending just a few sessions per week, for a few hours each time.

How Is IOP Different From Therapy?

When most people think of therapy, they envision visiting a counselor’s office and sitting on a couch to talk for an hour. They might visit once a week.

Outpatient programs for depression may involve talk therapy, but it offers so much more. IOP grants you access to many different types of care and many different professional providers, for many hours each week. This comprehensive, intensive care allows participants to experience the impact of deep healing sooner than weekly therapy sessions may provide.

An intensive program also offers more support for those with depression as they treat their condition and any challenges that might present in their normal world. From a counselor, to a psychiatrist, to a wellness coach, and recovery peers, IOP helps you build a team of people to support you in your recovery journey — even when you’re finished with intensive treatment.

Is IOP Right For Me?

IOP for depression is a great option for people who need care that is more comprehensive and in-depth than talk therapy. It’s a perfect balance between one hour of talk therapy per week, and full-time residential treatment for depression. For that reason, IOP is great for people with work or family responsibilities.

However, an IOP for depression works best for people with a supportive and safe home environment. If your home life is unstable, or you have serious medical issues, full-time residential treatment may be best for you.

What’s Next?

If you would like to learn more about IOP for depression, reach out to our caring staff at Longbranch today. They understand how overwhelming it can be to ask for help, and they’ll walk with you every step of the way into your new life.

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