If you are reading this, chances are either you or someone you love is struggling with addiction. One of the saddest things about addiction is that it affects everyone connected to the struggling person. Addiction is a condition that is non-discriminatory and can destroy someone’s life, regardless of age, gender or economic status.
Addiction is something that can be very difficult to overcome without professional help. In the first few days of recovery, sobering can be problematic, and sometimes withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. Because addiction is such a serious condition, there are many treatment centers available to aid the recovery process.
To many people, treatment may seem like a last-ditch effort to sober up, but in my opinion, the sooner a person can get help with their addiction, the better. People often fear that they will have to spend a lot of money on something that they fear might not work. If you are wondering whether rehab is a good option for you or someone you love, several signs can suggest that the problem at hand would greatly benefit from professional help. Below are ten red flags to look out for that might indicate it’s time for rehab.

1. There has been an overdose.
Having a drug overdose is a pretty scary situation for everyone involved. With all of the fentanyl mixed with illegal drugs these days, people never really know what they’re getting when they buy drugs on the street. People overdose at an alarming rate, and many people are not fortunate enough to survive this. If you or your loved one survived an overdose, please use this as a wake-up call to get help; Maybe you won’t be so lucky next time.
2. Physical health is decreasing.
Chronic drug and alcohol use put a severe strain on a person’s overall health and wellbeing. A long list of serious health problems can arise from alcohol and drug use, including hepatitis C, HIV, developing cirrhosis of the liver, or losing your teeth. A person who has adverse health effects but continues to drink or consume is an important warning sign that professional help would be a useful step towards recovery.
3. The person has failed to sober up on his own.
Sometimes people can sober up on their own without seeking treatment. Many people will need some form of support to finally give up their drug addiction. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. If a person has been unable to sober up on their own in the past, it may be time to consider inpatient rehab.
4. Legal, family or professional problems.
The longer an addiction lasts, the more likely it is that it will lead to problems. Many people experience strained relationships and decreased job performance due to their alcohol or drug use. People often start developing legal problems because of drugs and alcohol. When such problems arise, it is better to go for treatment sooner rather than later. The longer a person waits to sober up, the worse their problems become.

5. Experiencing blackouts or memory lapses.
If someone has blackouts and memory lapses from alcohol or drug use, it is a serious sign that they are drinking too much. Lots of people say or do things that they normally wouldn’t do while blackouting. Power outages create dangerous situations and cause serious problems. If you or someone you know is experiencing this type of incident, it is a good sign that you need to sober up.
6. Re-use despite negative consequences.
The tell-tale sign of an addiction is when someone continues to drink or use drugs despite having negative effects in their life from drugs or alcohol. Most people who are not addicted could step back and logically realize that they need to stop drinking or using drugs and then do so. Often times, a drug addict is unable to stop using drugs on their own. Sometimes a person is so addicted that the thought of not consuming is more frightening than the possibility of negative consequences. Either way, this is a sign that there is a serious addiction problem that needs attention.
7. Hide the amount consumed or consumed.
If someone is hiding their alcohol or drug use, it is because at some level deep down they know that it is a problem and they don’t want to talk about it. Someone who doesn’t have a drinking problem won’t feel the need to lie about drinking. It is also important to note that someone dealing with an addiction often denies a problem or does not believe it is a problem and is therefore less receptive to feedback.
8. Uncontrollable emotional outbursts.
Drugs and alcohol make people emotionally unstable. Coming under the influence of angry outbursts can quickly become a dangerous situation. Know that if you or someone you love has uncontrollable outbursts of anger while under the influence, it is a clear sign that there is a substance abuse problem.

9. Increased feelings of depression, anxiety and hopelessness.
Let’s face it, living a life of addiction is depressing. Drug use, withdrawal symptoms, and hangovers all make a person feel mentally, emotionally, and physically uncomfortable. The longer this lasts, the more hopeless a person feels. Feeling depressed, anxious, or desperate all the time is a sign that something needs to be changed.
10. You are ready or you feel it is time.
Sometimes a person knows they need help and is ready to seek treatment. In this case, it is best to get the person involved in a program right away before they change their mind. Most addicts do not want to continue a life of addiction, but often do not know how to get better without help. When someone has reached the point where they are ready and willing to seek help, this is the best time to get them started on a quality addiction rehab program ASAP.
It’s important to remember that a person doesn’t have to have all or any of these signs for treatment to be beneficial. The sooner a person can get help with their addiction, the better off they’ll be. Somebody doesn’t have to hit rock bottom to get better. The low point can be different for everyone, and the low point of one person may not seem so bad to another. Most importantly, how the addiction affects a person and the people they love and what they can do to get better. In my opinion, addiction rehab is always a viable option, and addiction is always a serious problem no matter how long it’s been around.